Stop sexual harassment lip service. You’ve shown us who you R

If, as an industry leader, you only care about female agents’ production, and not their safety, think about what that makes you. We already know who you are. Continue reading

How to Forgive When All You Want is Revenge

“Look at your stomach and your big ass,” my mother said with disgust, pointing at my belly. That hit me right on. Here comes another. “Who would ever want to marry you?” Is she done? I wanted to flee. Oh no, she’s got help. “Look, it’s Shamu. Shamu, th… Continue reading

Why It’s Important to Treat PTSD at Any Age

To cope with panic attacks, depression and sleep problems, Ginger Mercer kept busy — very busy. “I’d go-go-go all the time and never stop … it wore me down through the years,” she says. As Bill Talbott watched the movie Saving Private Ryan, he found hi… Continue reading