How much is a typical luxury home? $750K in Buffalo, $5.3M in Cali

For about the last four years, home price growth in the overall market outpaced growth in the luxury sector every month. But since January 2024, that trend has reversed, Zillow reported. Continue reading

This city in upstate New York is Zillow’s hottest market of 2024

Zillow is again predicting that more affordable markets will be the ones to watch in 2024, with Buffalo, New York, taking the top spot. Continue reading

58 cities that had million-dollar homes in 2022 don’t anymore: Study

The number of U.S. cities where the typical home value was $1 million or more has dropped from a high of 522 in July 2022 to 464 as of January 2023. Continue reading

‘Shrinkflation’ looms as incredible shrinking home hits luxury markets

The size of the typical $1 million home plunged to 2,350 square feet in early 2022 after peaking at 3,021 square feet in mid-2020, according to new data released Tuesday from Zillow. Continue reading