Slowing down pace of foreclosure can be counterproductive: Study

A study by Boston University’s Assistant Professor of Economics Adam Guren and Timothy McQuade, an assistant professor of finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, found that “policies that tend to slow down the pace of foreclosure can be co… Continue reading

Slowing down pace of foreclosure can be counterproductive: Study

A study by Boston University’s Assistant Professor of Economics Adam Guren and Timothy McQuade, an assistant professor of finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, found that “policies that tend to slow down the pace of foreclosure can be co… Continue reading

Average FICO scores hit all-time high

After years of steadily rising, the average FICO score in the U.S. has hit an all-time high of 706, the credit-reporting company announced this week. Continue reading launches 3 new affordability tools for buyers

The tools, available on iOS, Android, and desktop, provide buyers with a detailed estimate of what it will financially take to own a home. Continue reading

2 New Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

You’re probably well aware that your credit score can have a big influence on your financial well-being, determining whether you’ll qualify for a loan or credit card and the interest rate you’ll pay. Now, two new types of credit scores — UltraFICO from… Continue reading