What real estate agents should know about bedbugs 

Bedbugs have been around for a long time and will continue to be a menace to homeowners. A well-informed agent can address the pros and cons of different remediation techniques to help assure buyers and sellers that they can sleep soundly again at night. Continue reading

What agents need to know about getting rid of household pests

Agents who are well-versed in the unpleasant — but very necessary — topic of pest and animal control can reassure both buyers and sellers and present them with helpful solutions. Plus, having that knowledge is also a quick way to gain their trust. Continue reading

7 crazy critter encounters in real estate — and what to do about them

Stumbling across snakes, raccoons, coyotes and other wild animals during a showing isn’t ideal — and oftentimes, it can even ruin a deal. Here are some steps to take (and the appropriate disclosures to make) when it comes to unwanted critters. Continue reading