Bank launches Spanish website in wake of redlining settlement

Washington Trust “vehemently” denied the allegations leveled by the Justice Department last fall, but agreed to invest and spend at least $9 million to improve access to mortgage credit in minority neighborhoods in Rhode Island. Continue reading

Project to tackle appraisal bias continues with Nov. 1 hearing

The public is invited to join leaders from the American Bankers Association and mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for a hearing on tackling appraisal bias. Continue reading

FairPlay lands $4.5M seed round to help lenders combat racial bias

The New York-based startup helps lenders discover bias in algorithms and take a second look at rejected applicants using “cutting edge AI fairness techniques.” Continue reading

How equitably is housing wealth distributed in your city?

A new interactive tool from the Urban Institute compares housing wealth equity in cities across America, tracking disparities in homeownership rates, home values, and the distribution of housing wealth by race and ethnicity. Continue reading