Using Your Life Insurance to Help Pay for a Child’s College

Now that the fall semester at college has begun, many parents have the high cost of higher education tuition on their minds. Rising college bills, plus the cost of dorms, travel and books really adds up. If you have a child in high school or college, y… Continue reading

The Raw Feeling of Losing a Fiftysomething Friend

My husband’s friend died last week. He was 57. That’s how old my husband is. His friend was a great guy, married, a father of three, always kind and generous, thoughtful and considerate. We both liked him a lot. He developed a chronic form of cancer ab… Continue reading

The Impact of Forgiveness

(Excerpted from More Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us) My high school friend Neal’s grandfather had a simple way of summing up forgiveness that I think about a lot every year as Yom Kippur, the Jewish Holy Day devoted to forgiveness, … Continue reading

What It’s Like to Be a Millennial Caregiver

I’ve known the signs all my life — episodes of vertigo that could be short or long, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), hearing loss and feeling like the ear is full. They come with questions: What impact will these signs have today? Has stress exacerbated … Continue reading

Anne Tumlinson: Transforming Long-Term Care for Older Adults

Next Avenue 2018 Influencer in Aging Anne Tumlinson is a nationally recognized expert in the economics of an aging society. She is the founder of Daughterhood, an organization dedicated to building community around the experience of caring for aging pa… Continue reading

Jamie Mitchell: Bettering Health Care for Older African-American Men

Jamie Mitchell, an assistant professor of social work at the University of Michigan, is dedicated to improving the experiences older African-American men have within the health care system. Mitchell, a 2018 Influencer in Aging, studies communications b… Continue reading

Rajiv Mehta: Bringing Change for Caregivers

Rajiv Mehta, a 2018 Influencer in Aging, is the CEO and founder of Atlas of Caregiving, a California-based nonprofit whose mission is to bring about transformative change for family caregivers, in part by studying their day-to-day experience. Only with… Continue reading

Fighting Ageism on a Hiking Trail

This is a story about me, a woman of a certain age, gray-haired and a little thick through the middle who, a few summers ago, asked a much younger, positively lithe national park guide …well, I asked her a question I didn’t really want answered. At lea… Continue reading

When a Dog Makes a Difference at the End of Life

Even on the darkest of days, seeing a photo of Bailey, a 2-year-old Golden Retriever, can bring a smile to  your face. Her owner, Holly Parker of Chanhassen, Minn., realized early on that her dog was special. After going through obedience classes with … Continue reading

Coming Out to Grandma

Weeks before my firstborn grandchild, Lyn, went off to her freshman year of college, she called to say goodbye. “I’d like to visit with you before I leave,” she said. “I have something I want to talk to you about.” I was delighted that she wanted to sp… Continue reading