20 Days of 20 Notes: A Gratitude Project

Gregory Hines leans on one bended knee and relaxes his elbow on the other. He is wearing a white shirt and slacks, and his bright red jacket mirrors the brilliance of his smile. The celebrated African-American dancer, actor, singer and choreographer, w… Continue reading

Resources for Your Next Doctor Appointment

(Editor’s note: This story is part of a series for The John A. Hartford Foundation.) Health care is a huge priority for Next Avenue — always, but especially right now. Specifically, how health care can do a better job serving older Americans, and how o… Continue reading

The Letters of Love Program for Older Adults

With all the pressures today’s teenagers experience around academic work and  extracurricular activities, while keeping up a social life, it’s truly remarkable to come across a young person who is not only running his own nonprofit and taking the time … Continue reading