Ways to Keep Health Costs From Cutting Into Retirement Savings

When steep medical costs cut into your retirement savings, the results can be staggering and painful. They were for the mother of Bradford Daniel Creger, chief economist & lead wealth strategist at Total Financial Resource Group in Glendale, Calif…. Continue reading

One Way to Avoid Surprise Hospital Bills

(This article appeared previously in Kaiser Health News.) When Stacey Richter’s husband recently landed in a New Jersey emergency room, fearing a heart attack, she had an additional reason for alarm: a potential big bill from the hospital if the ER was… Continue reading

What Broke American Health Care and How to Fix It

You know the old expression, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” I sometimes feel that way about the high cost of health care. But Dr. Marty Makary, author of the new book about America’s health care system — The Pri… Continue reading

Can Bundled Medical Payments Save You Money?

Two of the most upsetting things for patients are the high cost of health care and the surprise — sometimes indecipherable, sometimes nonstop — hospital bills. But something known as “bundled medical payments” might relieve both of those and possibly p… Continue reading