REBNY sues the City of New York to stop FARE Act enforcement

Three days after New York City’s Fairness in Apartment Rental Expenses (FARE) Act became law without the signature of Mayor Eric Adams, the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) has filed a lawsuit to stop the bill’s enforcement in June 2025. The New Y… Continue reading

Single renters pay a nearly $7,000 ‘singles tax’ to live alone: Zillow

The “tax” varies widely depending on the market with renters in expensive markets, such as New York City paying up to $19,500 more in rent annually. Continue reading

Essential workers sacrifice space and home age to afford their rent: Zillow

Millions of renters throughout the U.S. are often forced to choose smaller and older homes to afford their rent, according to a recent report from Zillow. Continue reading

3 ways real estate agents can help renters become homeowners

Here’s how three real estate agents in three distinct markets — New York City, Chicago and Fargo — are helping renters make their dreams come true. Continue reading