Daily Dispatch: Brad Inman with The Data People
This conversation revolves around the population’s current obsession with data and the need to quantify reality with numbers. Continue reading
This conversation revolves around the population’s current obsession with data and the need to quantify reality with numbers. Continue reading
This conversation revolves around the population’s current obsession with data and the need to quantify reality with numbers. Continue reading
The real estate industry threw some curveballs. Take Inman’s real estate news quiz to demonstrate how strong your talking points and cocktail banter are this week Continue reading
Boero praises the willingness of entrepreneurs to make quick and necessary, albeit painful, decisions. Continue reading
Kelman expands on the importance of representing Redfin client’s homes through any means necessary. Continue reading
In tough times, be candid and honest with employees and clients, Stone says. Continue reading
This week, we’re asking you, our readers, to look at the bright side. What’s a victory — however small or big — you experienced recently? Continue reading
We recently took to our Inman Coast to Coast Facebook group to see who you’re spending quarantine time with and received some fuzzy-warm responses. Continue reading
Hear some optimism that the holding pattern will inevitably cease and the market will right itself. Continue reading
The T3 Sixty CEO remains positive in the face of uncertainty and change. Continue reading