Is Springfield, Mass. the Best Place in America to Grow Old?

(Editor’s note: This story is part of a series for The John A. Hartford Foundation.) Springfield, Mass. is known as the “City of Firsts.” It is called the “Birthplace of Basketball” and is home of the first gas-powered car. It is only fitting, then, th… Continue reading

Age-Forward Cities for 2030: The Big Challenge

By 2030, roughly three of every five people on the planet will live in cities. How prepared are cities to serve their older residents? Based on a report released today, Age-Forward Cities for 2030, the answer seems to be: not very. But, according to th… Continue reading

How Public Health Programs Can Become Age-Friendly

Years ago, when Terry Fulmer was a nurse working in a hospital, she often had the same thought as she discharged an elderly patient: “I wished I could call a public health representative and say ‘I’m sending this person home – they will not do well. Ca… Continue reading

The Burgeoning Trend of Age-Friendly States

You’ve probably heard about age-friendly communities; maybe you even live in one of the 305 cities and towns with the AARP “Age-Friendly Community” designation. But what you might not know — and what I learned attending the Gerontological Society of Am… Continue reading