Remembering Woodstock 50 Years Later

“There we were all in one place/A generation lost in space …” Don McLean, “American Pie”  “Judy Blue Eyes,” “Somebody to Love,” “With a Little Help from my Friends”— I’ve been singing these and other late-1960s songs over and over, to memorize the harm… Continue reading

Celebrating a 25th Anniversary With Spontaneous Vows

In her new book, This Side Up: The Road to a Renovated Life, author Amy Mangan shares her experiences with job loss, financial shame, home displacement, illness and caregiving. This is an excerpt. When I got married, it was a last-minute decision after… Continue reading

The Failure to Commemorate a Death Anniversary

We were watching the evening news when my husband, Bob, noticed the date and gasped. “August 16th? Oh, my God. Yesterday was Leslie’s and my wedding anniversary,” he said, referring to his late wife. “I can’t believe I missed it.” “Thank you for sharin… Continue reading