Real estate agents lament dud of a summer: Client Pipeline Tracker

Buyers failed to bite this summer despite falling mortgage rates. It has agents about as down on their business prospects as they’ve been all year heading into the NAR settlement era, according to Intel’s Client Pipeline Tracker. Continue reading

What’s changed since NAR struck its deal: Client Pipeline Tracker

Declining mortgage rates may finally be bringing some buyers back to the table. But agents will need to see more before they change their skeptical outlook, Inman Intel Index results suggest. Continue reading

Rate dip drags ‘doomers’ back from the ledge: Client Pipeline Tracker

Expectations for future buyer pipelines have started to improve after a rough four-month stretch. Intel unpacks the latest developments with its Client Pipeline Tracker, fueled by the Intel Index. Continue reading

Where are the buyers? Introducing Intel’s Client Pipeline Tracker

Buyer pipelines have been shrinking, agents told Inman in the latest Intel Index poll. A new metric unveiled today by Intel sheds light on the trend and aims to answer when it might turn around. Continue reading