Lamacchia: Knock off the threats to hardworking real estate agents

Anthony Lamacchia said threats of severe penalties for commission violations leveled by plaintiffs lawyer Michael Ketchmark and Consumer Advocates in American Real Estate are “unnecessary.” Continue reading

Accelerate results with 8 one-on-one secrets (and a bonus secret)

Take a new, unconventional approach to one-on-ones that emphasizes the needs, preferences and goals of your agents, luxury consultant Chris Pollinger writes. Continue reading

Real estate safety abroad: Lessons from the tragic deaths of 2 agents

On the eve of Realtor Safety Month, safety expert Tracey Hawkins shares strong reminders to keep safety top of mind. Continue reading

Lesson Learned: Stay true to yourself to attract your ideal clients

 Find out what Miami Beach luxury agent Anna Sherrill has learned as she’s grown and what she’d tell a new agent just starting out in the business. Continue reading

Attorneys, consumer groups have got eyes on agents: The Download

Everyone — from Michael Ketchmark to the consumer advocates behind Moehrl — is letting agents know that they’re under scrutiny as they implement the new rules of buyer agreement and (not) commission-sharing. Continue reading

Be a trusted real estate ally for women clients in today’s market

Women’s real estate advocate Bobbie Wasserman shares strategies for overcoming hurdles and obstacles that sometimes block women from optimizing the financial potential of real estate ownership. Continue reading