Dry Eye Syndrome? Drops Are Not the Only Option

Your eyes are dry, itching, burning. It seems like a pretty straightforward diagnosis: dry eye syndrome. But it’s a little more complicated than that. Dry eye syndrome actually is an umbrella term for a number of different conditions that can diminish … Continue reading

Hope and Hype Accompany Race for Anti-Aging Drugs

(Editor’s note: This story originally appeared on Kaiser Health News. It is an abridged version. Click here to see the entire story.) Renowned Harvard University geneticist David Sinclair recently made a startling assertion: Scientific data shows he ha… Continue reading

If You Hate Reading Glasses, Here Are Other Options

It can be the bane of existence for those at midlife: the need to have reading glasses at the ready, particularly in darkened conditions like a dimly lit restaurant with a menu that lists dishes in type too small to decipher. “Usually at around (age) 4… Continue reading

Atrial Fibrillation With No Symptoms Is a Silent Killer

In less time than it takes to tie your shoelaces, someone living the United States will have a stroke. This means that every 40 seconds, a person has a stroke, and that accounts for nearly 800,000 strokes each year, according to the Centers for Disease… Continue reading

Body Fluctuations That Raise a Risk of Heart Attack

(This article appeared previously in American Heart Association News.) Fluctuations in blood pressure, blood sugar, body mass index and cholesterol could put people at higher risk for heart attack or stroke, a new study shows. The Korean study, publish… Continue reading

CDC: Flu Shot Still Best Protection, Despite This Season’s Low Effectiveness

(Editor’s note: The Centers for Disease Control — CDC — reported Thursday its estimate of the overall effectiveness of this season’s influenza vaccination is 47 percent. For people age 50 and older, the estimate is just 24 percent. Yet, the CDC continu… Continue reading

Need a New Kidney? Ask and You May Receive

About 95,000 Americans are waiting for a kidney transplant today. On average, they will wait three to five years before a match turns up on the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) list. But during 2016, 4,830 died on the kidney list while waiting an… Continue reading

The Innovative Alzheimer’s Agency Uniting Health Plans and Caregivers

She has advanced Alzheimer’s disease and he has early signs of dementia. When a distant cousin stepped in to care for them, the couple had sold most of their furniture to pay for food and collected tin cans to help pay the rent. Realizing that addressi… Continue reading

A Late-Life Surprise: Caregiving for Frail, Aging Parents

(This article appeared previously on the website Kaiser Health News.) “This won’t go on for very long,” Sharon Hall said to herself when she invited her elderly mother, who’d suffered several small strokes, to live with her. That was five years ago, ju… Continue reading