How Hearing Loss Can Lead to Loneliness and Isolation

Susan Sealy Arquette, 64, a psychologist and clinic owner in Minneapolis, noticed the first signs of hearing loss in her mid-20s when she couldn’t hear a phone ringing. At the time, Sealy Arquette was told the loss was only for high-frequency sounds an… Continue reading

Broaching the Subject of Hearing Loss

Helene Rosenthal’s day starts when she gets out of bed and puts in her hearing aids, something that’s as natural as brushing her teeth. It ends when she climbs into bed and says to her husband, Jim, “Is there anything else you want to say? Because I’m … Continue reading

A Delay in Getting Hearing Aids Can Mean More than Hearing Trouble

A few years ago, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine gave us yet another reason to worry about getting Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias: They demonstrated an association between hearing loss and cognitive decline. Spec… Continue reading

Prevent Hearing Loss From Hurting Your Career

As more people in their 50s and 60s continue working, more of them are doing so with some hearing loss. If you’re one, you’ll want to take a few appropriate steps to prevent hearing problems from causing you a problem keeping, or finding, a job. “Adult… Continue reading