IBuying-minded HomeBldr upgrades investment analysis tools

The reporting tool determines a number of return-on-investment scenarios, taking into account market conditions, available financing and any need for renovations and improvements. Continue reading

Get off the stock market roller coaster and into real estate

This past March, the bull market celebrated its 10-year anniversary, and it’s generated one of the S&P 500’s best surges ever. The New York Times reported, “the rise has generated more than $30 trillion in wealth. Adjusted for inflation, that is t… Continue reading

Can commercial real estate provide investors a hedge against volatility?

It’s a strange time to be an investor. We’re in a longtime bull market, but the 2008 financial crisis is still fresh in most investors’ minds. As we continue to ride this bull, we see volatility everywhere, and most markets appear unable to shake it of… Continue reading