10 must-do sale preparation tasks — regardless of market

Buyers are stretching their budgets more than ever, and they want the best their money can buy. If sellers want to capitalize on their homesale, they’ll have to put in the work. Here are 10 seller must-do’s and why they matter to buyers. Continue reading

How to help clients prepare for a stress-free packing experience

Packing, unpacking and moving to a new home can be an enormous undertaking, but with some careful planning and organization, the process can be a bit less stressful for your clients. Here’s how you can advise them. Continue reading

6 Ways to Deal With Sentimental Items When Decluttering

Organizing. and getting rid of, extra belongings can make it easier to downsize, clean a home and entertain guests. But what should be done with a stack of boxes containing memorabilia stashed in a closet? Or a basement filled with items that represent… Continue reading