Celebrating Easter and Passover in a Pandemic

Traditionally on Easter Sunday, the Church of the Assumption is awash in beautiful spring flowers, with hydrangeas and lilies covering the marble steps on the altar of this 145-year old Catholic church in St. Paul, Minn. Every pew is normally filled, a… Continue reading

Adjusting Daily Routines During the Pandemic

Teresa Elwert usually is out and about every day, doing volunteer work, exercising and meeting up with friends. Four times a week, the 68-year-old leads a group of other retirees in her New York City neighborhood on what she calls “brisk walks” through… Continue reading

The Silver Lining to Staying at Home

You know all those things you say you want to do — then don’t? As disruptive as the coronavirus is proving in all our lives, there’s a silver lining: confinement is creating the time, as well as the hunger, opportunity and need, to pursue those interes… Continue reading

OPINION: Poor, Older Black Americans Are an Afterthought in the COVID-19 Crisis

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick recently said that he and other older Americans would be willing to risk death due to the coronavirus in order to protect the U.S. economy. What followed was a backlash by people warning that even the thought of sacrificing t… Continue reading

How Musicians Are Bringing Joy During the Pandemic

Pueblo, Colo. guitarist and singer Tom Munch has performed everywhere from restaurants to dude ranches to the Royal Gorge Bridge, but nursing home concerts take up much of his time, accounting for 50 gigs a month. That all changed in March, as COVID-19… Continue reading

You and Your Sewing Machine Can Help Fight COVID-19

You may have seen news reports or social media posts calling for people to sew medical masks to help protect health care professionals from contracting COVID-19. If you’ve been thinking of joining the sewing brigade or organizing a mask collection effo… Continue reading

A Virus Doesn’t Care. People Do.

(Across caregiving and community, business and intergenerational attitudes, the pandemic and how we respond to it could change us forever. Next Avenue turned to some of our Influencers in Aging, a diverse group of thought leaders, for their insights, c… Continue reading

Virtual Connections Have Never Been More Popular

Rich and Kirsten Meneghello and their daughter Lucy have dinner with Rich’s mom Margaret “Marge” Meneghello, 75, every Sunday, trading off between gathering at their house in southwest Portland, Ore., and Marge’s apartment a few miles away. But they’ve… Continue reading

How the Pandemic Is Affecting the Sandwich Generation

I am anxious about my 80-year-old father with regards to COVID-19. He has lung cancer and emphysema. He receives immunotherapy injections monthly. And he resides in New York State, the current epicenter of the pandemic in the United States. To summariz… Continue reading

OPINION: Defeating the Pandemic Means Confronting Ageism and Ableism

(We asked some of the Next Avenue Influencers in Aging to offer their thoughts and insights about the coronavirus pandemic. Here is one of them. — The Editors) Why is the coronavirus spreading across the U.S.? Not because a virulent molecule jumped fro… Continue reading