Marriage equality plaintiff, former Realtor Jim Obergefell on LGBTQ+ advocacy today

As the plaintiff in Obergefell v. Hodges, Jim Obergefell sought to honor the memory of his late husband. The result was a sweeping Supreme Court decision that made marriage equality law. Today, he continues his advocacy and is running for the Ohio Hous… Continue reading

Show your pride: How to stand up for inclusion

Pride Month is a great time for all of our industry to join with us and become allies in the community, while making sure LGBTQ+ homebuyers have the same housing opportunities as everyone else. Continue reading

It’s Pride Month! Here’s how Realtors can be an ally

Pick up the phone and call your representatives to encourage them to pass the Equality Act, which would go a long way in increasing the LGBT homeownership rate. Continue reading

NAR forges partnership with LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance

The relationship between the entities will enable the development of new training opportunities in an effort to help create LGBTQ+ leaders in the real estate industry. Continue reading

How the real estate industry is celebrating Pride 2019

June in America is LGBTQ Pride Month, with parades and celebrations across the country commemorating the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots – a series of gay rights demonstrations in 1969 that were met with police force and gave birth to the LGBTQ move… Continue reading