Reformers at the gate: Progressives set their sights on the housing market

In cities across the country, housing advocates, civil rights groups and defenders of the homeless are chipping away at housing laws, one state at a time. Why now? Continue reading

Medical and student debt is killing homeownership dreams: Zillow

Zillow’s fourth annual consumer survey analyzes how medical and student debt is causing consumers to delay buying a home. Continue reading

Inventory crises could stretch into 2022 and beyond: Zillow

Housing starts won’t reach the historical average of 1 million new units per month until at least 2022 or later, with the most pessimistic estimates stretching to 2029. Continue reading

Parents have more trouble finding the right home: Zillow

Parents who shop for a home are more likely to go over budget, put down a smaller down payment and end up with a longer commute than those who don’t have kids, according to a new Zillow study. Continue reading

Why didn’t all the rain put a halt to homes sales this spring?

The conventional wisdom is that the past month of nonstop rain should have put a damper on real estate sales, but, in fact, the opposite has happened. Continue reading

Zillow: The median home value dropped for first time in 7 years

The median listed home value in the United States clocked in at $226,800 in April, according to the latest monthly home data released by Zillow. Continue reading