Nervous About Paying for College? Here’s Help

With the average 2018-‘19 cost of college tuition and fees a stunning $35,676 at private colleges and $21,629 for out-of-state students at state schools, according to U.S. News, it’s no wonder many parents and teens are frazzled about how to pay for co… Continue reading

Cool Technology Trends for Older Adults

Living in the heart of Silicon Valley gives me access to the latest technology, so I’m not easily awed by new products, services, gizmos and apps. But I was curious about the most recent tech conference sponsored by Aging 2.0, an organization that “sup… Continue reading

Using Your Life Insurance to Help Pay for a Child’s College

Now that the fall semester at college has begun, many parents have the high cost of higher education tuition on their minds. Rising college bills, plus the cost of dorms, travel and books really adds up. If you have a child in high school or college, y… Continue reading

What Nora Ephron Can Teach Us About Planning a Funeral

In June 2012, Meryl Streep gave one of her finest performances to a limited crowd. She hadn’t had much time to prepare, but it was a role that had been planned for her months, if not years, earlier. It’s just that the planner hadn’t thought to tell her… Continue reading

Getting Advertisers to Think Differently About Aging

Do you ever feel that advertisers and marketers don’t understand, or really speak to, people over 50? That they’re missing what 21st century aging is all about? Then you’ll be interested to see what advertising executive Nadia Tuma-Weldon says. She’s t… Continue reading

Soon, You’ll Be Able to See Hospital Prices Online

(This article previously appeared on Patients will be able to see a list of a hospital’s standard charges online starting Jan. 1, under guidelines proposed by the Trump administration. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services… Continue reading

Health Insurance Cost Concerns for Middle America

(This article previously appeared on The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has accomplished much that its drafters intended. There is considerable evidence of increased access to health care and reduced medical debt. But there is growing… Continue reading

The Surprising Way to Boost Your Retirement Savings

Roughly half of employed Americans (48 percent) aren’t saving any more for retirement this year than last and 13 percent are saving less, according to a new survey. What could help Americans — and you, in particular — save more? A noted re… Continue reading