A Fascinating Course on the Literature of Retirement

What does it mean to retire? And who are you if you’re retired — a retired person, a former (fill in the blank) or someone very different from before? John Watkins, an English professor at the University of Minnesota, is not only wrestling with those q… Continue reading

To Retire or Not to Retire?

Crossing the threshold into retirement can feel like a high-wire act without a net. As a retired therapist, I can tell you that during this transition, whether we are retiring or rewiring, feeling disoriented or purposeful, most of us have moments of f… Continue reading

Modern Elder Academy: The Cool School for Midlifers

Going back to college in midlife to take a class and update your skills may sound appealing. Now there’s a pretty cool school on Mexico’s luxe Baja peninsula where you can learn skills to become a “modern elder.” It’s called, appropriately, the Modern … Continue reading