Luxury Connect: Exclusive Attendee Activity for Digital Marketing at the Paley Center

Luxury Connect attendees will have the opportunity to participate in exclusive off-site sessions, including one at the Los Angeles location of the Paley Center. Continue reading

Luxury Connect Speakers: Josh Altman and Fredrik Eklund on becoming household names

Josh Altman and Fredrik Eklund, are going to be speaking at Luxury Connect together with dozens of other peers, colleagues and competitors. Continue reading

WATCH: The 411 on data ontology vs. machine learning and AI

Tavi Truman, CTO and chief architect at RocketUrBiz, and Debra Schwartz, CEO at RocketUrBiz, share insights at Inman Connect San Francisco‘s Hacker Connect during the session, “Living in a world without silos: Data ontology vs. machine learning and AI…. Continue reading

WATCH: What you should know about converting your team into a brokerage

What is the future of the team model in real estate? Team leader Kris Lindahl recently sent shock waves through the industry by announcing he was forming his own brokerage. Find out if this is the start of a trend or a unique occurrence. Continue reading

WATCH: What should your team compensation structure look like?

Deciding on a team compensation structure can be difficult. Scott Curcio of Baird & Warner and Robynn Eccles of Coldwell Banker’s Eccles Group take the stage at Inman Connect San Francisco’s Teams Track to discuss this thorny topic. Continue reading

WATCH: My team just imploded — what should I do?

So, things didn’t go according to plan — now what? Don’t miss Jennifer Berman, partner at Berman and Pollinger, take the stage at ICSF to share creative problem solving and solutions to some of the most common, but not often discussed, team issues. Continue reading

WATCH: How to let technology do your prospecting for you

How are the most successful teams using technology to source and distribute their online leads? Listen in as owners Veronica Figueroa of Re/Max and Luke Monroe of Kendrick Realty and Simply Sold Properties explain at Inman Connect. Continue reading