After Inman Connect chat, Troy Palmquist lands big role with eXp

Palmquist joined eXp’s Michael Valdes on stage to talk recruitment at ICLV over the summer. Now, he’s taking his 30-member team to eXp as the brokerage’s new director of growth for California. Continue reading

After Inman Connect chat, Troy Palmquist lands big role with eXp

Palmquist joined eXp’s Michael Valdes on stage to talk recruitment at ICLV over the summer. Now, he’s taking his 30-member team to eXp as the brokerage’s new director of growth for California. Continue reading

After Inman Connect chat, Troy Palmquist lands big role with eXp

Palmquist joined eXp’s Michael Valdes on stage to talk recruitment at ICLV over the summer. Now, he’s taking his 30-member team to eXp as the brokerage’s new director of growth for California. Continue reading

7 ways to help your agents without enabling bad behavior

While you want to do what’s best for your team, sometimes helping can hurt. New Inman contributor Beverly Jacobo offers insights for assisting agents without rewarding bad behavior. Continue reading