How can I really be sure sellers will pay the buyer’s agent (me)?

The new commission rules are confusing. Compliance expert Summer Goralik unpacks whether it’s possible to confirm if a seller is willing to compensate buyer’s agents. Continue reading

Just letting off steam? Agents lash out at NAR in post-deadline survey

In the wake of the Aug. 17 deadline, a rising share of agents told the Inman Intel Index that they were frustrated with industry trade groups and have considered leaving the industry. But will this all blow over? Continue reading

How are these new commission rules improving transparency?

The new commission rules are confusing. Compliance expert Summer Goralik unpacks whether listing agents can mention buyer’s agent compensation in the private remarks on the MLS. Continue reading

Agents say business as usual since Aug. 17 — but signs of strain ahead

While most reported normal activity in the weeks after the commission rules took effect, some saw an uptick in listing clients refusing to pay buyers’ fees, new Inman Intel Index results show. Continue reading

Can I say ‘call for buyer’s agent compensation’ in private remarks?

The new commission rules are confusing. Compliance expert Summer Goralik unpacks whether listing agents can mention buyer’s agent compensation in the private remarks on the MLS. Continue reading

I’m a listing agent. Do I need buyer agreement proof before showings?

With confusion around the new commission rules, compliance expert Summer Goralik unpacks whether listing agents should verify signed buyer-broker agreements before showing a property. Continue reading

Are we allowed to let clients know about concessions upfront?

With all the commission confusion surrounding the new rule implementation, compliance expert Summer Goralik answers your burning questions. Continue reading

Is it possible to market a seller wanting to offer a concession?

With all the commission confusion as we near the Aug. 17 implementation deadline, compliance expert Summer Goralik is here to answer your burning questions, starting with concessions. Continue reading

From fringe to forefront? What agent ‘steering’ will look like now

A survey of hundreds of real estate agents suggests that “steering” based on commissions used to be rare. After the Aug. 17 deadline, it may become ubiquitous — but with buyers in the driver’s seat. Continue reading