Circa 1980: What to know about ‘totally awesome’ kitchens and baths

The 1980s can be characterized as a “more is more” period of design, with innovative building techniques and styles. Gerard Splendore’s Circa series explores kitchens and baths of the era. Continue reading

Circa 1960 kitchens and baths: What agents should know

Featuring an explosion of color, glamour and innovation, 1960s kitchens and baths offered style by the mile. Gerard Splendore shares the secrets of the era in his Circa series. Continue reading

Pros and cons: 9 bathtub materials to consider

Agents who understand the advantages and disadvantages of different bathtub materials can serve as a resource to buyers, reflecting credibility and a high standard of professionalism. Let’s take a look at nine bathtub materials and detail what every pr… Continue reading