Circa 1980: What to know about ‘totally awesome’ kitchens and baths

The 1980s can be characterized as a “more is more” period of design, with innovative building techniques and styles. Gerard Splendore’s Circa series explores kitchens and baths of the era. Continue reading

Circa 1960 kitchens and baths: What agents should know

Featuring an explosion of color, glamour and innovation, 1960s kitchens and baths offered style by the mile. Gerard Splendore shares the secrets of the era in his Circa series. Continue reading

Circa 1930: What real estate agents need to know about Depression-era kitchens and baths

The 1930s is known as the beginning of modern design, with both Art Deco and Art Nouveau influencing the styles and colors of bathrooms and kitchens in American homes. Continue reading

What other agents are highlighting (and hiding) in listing photos

Using fancy computer techniques, researchers analyzed more than 14,000 photos of homes for sale. From bedrooms to decks, here are the most popular features. Continue reading

Freshening up a listing? 14 ways to boost a home’s buyer appeal

Details matter, especially when you consider just how much buyers are shelling out for their dream home. So, here are some must-do changes, fixes and upgrades sellers should spend some time addressing before putting their home on the market. Continue reading

What’s Next? Top design trends to expect post-pandemic

The pandemic has changed a lot about the way people work and live their lives — and of course, that in turn has had a big impact on what they seek in a home. As we look ahead to the world post-pandemic, here are the trends that experts, agents and desi… Continue reading

Buyers looking for a fixer-upper? Here are 10 things to consider

It might sound like a great deal for your weekend warrior clients, but some properties just aren’t worth the price. Here’s what to watch out for. Continue reading

15 photographic crimes agents should never commit

Here is our roundup of the biggest mistakes agents make in their listing photos. We know you’d never be guilty of these visual offenses, right? Continue reading

Improvement vs. maintenance: How to explain the difference

Homeowners looking to sell often seem confused over what constitutes an improvement versus deferred maintenance. Here’s a handy list that’ll help your clients distinguish between basic maintenance and genuine home improvements. Continue reading

Could a Smarter Home Help You Age in Place?

In the heart of Louisville’s Innovation District sits the Thrive Center, a 7,500-square-foot space dedicated to showing how technology can enhance the lives of older adults. And in the center of the center is the prototype of a smart home — including k… Continue reading