Don’t fret, iPhone photographers, SnapSnapSnap will prove ’em wrong: Tech Review

BoxBrownie’s SnapSnapSnap mobile app takes automated bracketing to the next level to produce the highest quality possible listing photos with an iPhone. Continue reading

Real has the moxy to make agents go viral, now it needs adoption: Tech Review

While gathering leads is certainly the goal, the best ones will come to those agents who leverage Real’s connectivity to each other, and who remain active in curating relevant market content. Continue reading

Task app KeyPleaz unlocks ways for agents to make more money: Tech Review

KeyPleaz is a showing and real estate task outsourcing app for iOS and Android operating systems. Continue reading

BoxBrownie’s new photography app to give agents a happy new year

BoxBrownie is adept at championing and building its products around the often unrealized imaging capabilities of today’s mobile phones. SnapSnapSnap is no different. Continue reading

New video app Playhouse hopes to make listing content go viral

There’s a lot to like about Playhouse, but what should excite the industry is that someone is offering agents a sharp, capable tool to promote listing inventory at very little cost. Continue reading

Lucit makes billboard advertising more accessible than ever: Tech Review

Lucit is an app for creating and controlling ad campaigns on roadside digital billboards. It’s an ideal marketing tool for offices and teams of any size or brand. Continue reading

Video simplicity and control are at the heart of Vuse

Vuse is a mobile app made for real estate agents to create videos for listings, branding and business generation. Using the app, real estate agents can chose a template, auto-assemble videos, and also get creative with colors, fonts and graphics. Continue reading

The iPhone 13 just launched. Do you need it?

The iPhone 13 has some major camera upgrades while most everything else stayed similar to the iPhone 12. Is it worth spending those hard-earned commission dollars to buy it? Continue reading

Inman Review: Real Happy is here to market your listings

Developed by a mobile app engineer after a bad homebuying experience, Real Happy is another good entry for listing agents wanting a new and productive way to market and coordinate showings. Continue reading

Inman Review: Beans Tour is an app for managing home tours

The Inman technology review of Beans Tour finds the real estate app to be a well-designed, navigation-driven mobile solution for buyer’s agents to create and manage property tours. Continue reading