Menopause in the Workplace: How Women Can Cope

Each day, an estimated 6,000 women reach menopause. It begins with a significant transition around age 45 called perimenopause, which can last upwards of 14 years. And with a growing number of women 45+ in today’s labor markets, that translates to poss… Continue reading

Why So Many Doctors Fail Women With Menopause Care

Each year when I visit my primary care physician for my annual physical, the first stop is his office, where we sit opposite one another for a few minutes. We begin with some small talk, which eases us into the next phase of the visit, which I dub “the… Continue reading

Author Darcey Steinke on the Intrinsic Power of Menopause

Darcey Steinke’s personal flash count diary filled three black and white composition-style notebooks. In them were recorded the extreme hot flashes she experienced over a two-year period when menopause hit her hard five years ago, at age 52. There coul… Continue reading

What are the Best Treatments for Menopausal Symptoms?

For years, menopause was a taboo subject. “Most women did not openly discuss it,” nor were they likely to discuss the problems commonly associated with menopause, like hot flashes, night sweats and disrupted sleep, says Dr. JoAnn Manson, professor of m… Continue reading

Is It Becoming Less Taboo to Talk About Menopause?

Each day, an estimated 6,000 women reach menopause. The bevvy of symptoms — some of which can continue for 15 years or more — might, under any other circumstances, send them running to their physicians for help. These symptoms include hot flashes, mood… Continue reading

Is There a Link Between Menopause and Alzheimer’s?

(This article previously appeared on the Neurotrack page of Medium. It is an abridged version.) It started with an artichoke. Or rather, it started with my inability to recall the word artichoke, even though I was holding one in my hand. “What did you … Continue reading

How Mindfulness May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms

Have you taken a few minutes lately to stop what you’re doing, unplug from your electronic devices and just focus on your breathing? If you’re a woman who is going through menopause or will be in the near future, this basic, beginning practice of mindf… Continue reading