Dual agency is gaining momentum. Should you walk the tightrope?

Real estate compliance expert Summer Goralik looks at the projected prevelance of dual agency and offers a prescription for determining whether it’s the best option for agents and their clients. Continue reading

MLSs opt out, work around, push back at new rules: The Download

MLSs rethink rules and develop new policies in the face of upcoming changes to their ability to post compensation information. Continue reading

Bright MLS will allow sellers to offer concessions upon listing

In response to NAR’s proposed settlement, the nation’s second largest MLS will add data fields on June 11 allowing sellers to signal they’re willing to offer buyer concessions when they list a home. Continue reading

NWMLS opts out of NAR deal in bid to continue commission offers

Northwest MLS says banning compensation in the MLS restricts consumer choice and transparency. Plaintiffs’ attorney Michael Ketchmark says “the fox is guarding the chicken house.” Continue reading

Is NAR a positive force? 7 out of 10 real estate agents want to know

These increasingly uncertain attitudes among agents in March were a departure from brokers, who were more likely to tell Intel that they still view the National Association of Realtors positively. Continue reading

9 strategies to move past lawsuit fatigue and get back to business

We’re all in this together, writes coach Darryl Davis, so here’s how to avoid burnout and frustration by charting a path forward for your real estate business. Continue reading

2 Tampa-area Realtor organizations announce merger

Pinellas Realtor Organization / Central Pasco Realtor Organization approved their merger with Greater Tampa Realtors, forming a new group called Tampa Bay Realtors. Continue reading

HAR partnership caps RentSpree’s busy spring

RentSpree distributes its product to empower residential agents in their work with clients who may not yet be ready to buy, and to provide them software advantages to offer investor clients or to use in their own rental portfolios. Continue reading

How will buyers pay for your services post-settlement? Pulse

With plenty of ideas in the air and very little certainty, we want to know what you think. How will buyers pay for their agents in the future? Continue reading

Is now the time to become a flat-fee or limited-service broker?

With commissions up in the air, Clever’s Luke Babich writes that it may be time for some agents to explore alternative compensation models that can provide more consistent and reliable income. Continue reading