My top Back to Basics tip? Answer the damn phone

There’s tons of training that addresses diligent follow-up and frequent outreach. What’s far more critical in building your business than a speedy reply or dropping someone into a system that will pound out messages to a contact database? Answering the… Continue reading

Going all in with Zillow leads? 3 tips for winning big

What’s your lead-conversion rate? Not sure? Winston Murray converts an average of 1 in 17 leads into clients (roughly 5.9 percent). Here are Murray’s top tips for converting Zillow leads. Continue reading

5 simple tips for rookies that’ll make a big impact on your career

Here are five tips for newbies to get them on the right track. If you’ve been in the business a while and you’re not already doing them, they’ll make excellent New Year’s resolutions.  Continue reading