Tiny-home startup’s production delays raise investor eyebrows

Tiny-homebuilding startup Boxabl has received $140 million in funding since its founding in 2017 and now has a waiting list of 160,000 tiny-home orders. How long will investors wait for homes to be delivered? Continue reading

In the end, Elon Musk hired agents to sell his final ‘earthly possession’

After putting San Francisco home on market without the help of an agent, the SpaceX CEO relented, tapping Mary and Brent Gullixson of Compass to sell last property in his portfolio. Continue reading

Elon Musk takes final ‘Earthly possession’ off the market

Since vowing to unload all “Earthly possessions,” Elon Musk has sold nearly $100 million worth of real estate since 2020. But he can’t seem to part ways with this Bay Area gem. Continue reading

Elon Musk puts final home on market 1 year after vowing to unload all ‘earthly possessions’

The SpaceX founder took to Twitter to announce plans to put his “special place” just south of San Francisco on the market. It’s unclear if Musk has hired an agent. Continue reading

How Elon Musk’s Starbase plans are influencing the Texas housing market

Agents in the southernmost tip of Texas, which is home to SpaceX’s rocket production facility and launch site, are seeing buyers and investors flock to formerly sleepy towns. Continue reading

From the deep sea to outer space, this real estate exec is going places

From rafting in the Himalayas to climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, Connor Group Managing Partner Larry Connor has never been afraid of a challenge. Now he’s going to space. Continue reading

From out of nowhere: 5 new(ish) cities to keep your eye on this year

Starbase, the Texas town Elon Musk announced he was planning to incorporate as part of Brownsville and South Padre, is one example of a community conceived seemingly overnight Continue reading

Agents praise Elon Musk — but impact of tunnel remains unclear

A tunnel under Los Angeles is opening to the public and Realtors say it could improve the city — though no one is sure if the efforts will draw homeowners. Continue reading