Luxury listings will now follow you around the web

The new product will allow brokerage and luxury listing platform Luxury Portfolio International to deliver targeted ads from the 50,000 properties it markets across the web. After someone views a property on Luxury Portfolio’s website, they’ll start se… Continue reading

Homesnap has created the Instagram Stories of real estate

Homesnap has launched a new feature that lets agents create short, Instagram-esque posts about their listings, which can be then shared on social media. Continue reading

Take a sneak peek at a new productivity platform — built for small brokers

Austin broker Lara Gabriele is developing HomeWayz, a system to help small brokers compete with the tide of “agent-displacing” third-party products, that will debut at Inman Connect Las Vegas. Continue reading

WATCH: What should be in your marketing toolbox?

What are people really using when it comes to marketing essentials like photo sourcing, editing, Instagram tools and apps? What do these things cost, and what are the advantages? Continue reading

WATCH: GDPR’s impact in the US

How is the General Data Protection Regulation, passed in the European Union, affecting us here in the U.S.? Get a closer look at the measures abroad and in the states to protect users’ privacy. Continue reading