6 areas to focus on when leading through rocky times

Unapologetic leadership is all about having knowledge, wisdom, passion, empathy and taking action. That’s what your agents, staff and community are all looking for, especially in times like these. Continue reading

4 Simple Mind Tricks For a Positive Outlook

It used to be that the first thing I’d see each time I opened my credit card holder was my health plan ID. One day, I placed my fitness center ID on top of it. Now when I open the card holder, I grin, because at 70, time spent exercising in the pool is… Continue reading

Can Wisdom Protect Against Loneliness?

A fascinating new study of loneliness found that adults are at risk across the entire lifespan, but especially during their late-20s, mid-50s and late-80s. Equally interesting: the researchers say that wisdom can help protect against loneliness. That f… Continue reading