Top listing site Movoto nabs $8M to build on company turnaround

Movoto Real Estate, the operator of one of the most popular real estate sites and a fast-growing brokerage, has raised $8 million to build on what its CEO cast as a dramatic turnaround over the last two years. Continue reading

Starting a Business After 50: How to Manage the Financial Risk

Transitioning from your nine-to-five career to becoming a business owner after 50 may sound enticing, with the freedom to set your own hours and profit from your passions. But midlife entrepreneurship comes with financial risks, too. Here’s how to mana… Continue reading

When Is Insulin for Diabetes No Longer a Good Idea?

It’s embarrassing to admit, but doctors don’t always follow their own advice or the advice of the expert panels who produce “best-of-care” guidelines. Proving just that point is a recent study from the health care giant Kaiser-Permanente that followed … Continue reading

How to Release Yourself From Regrets

Do you spend too much time wondering what could have been, if only you’d made other choices or taken another path earlier in life? Many of us have lingering regrets about ways that we could have lived our lives differently. Research shows that as we ge… Continue reading

Pocket listings are bad for consumers — period

The MLS functions because of bilateral cooperation and compensation. You have to “pay to play,” and you pay by providing your listings. You can’t just take from the MLS without giving back. Continue reading

The top 3 lead generation sources for agents

Outside of your sphere, how are you getting and converting new leads? Here are a number of ways that agents and brokers are finding those all-important new connections. Continue reading

Boo! What are you afraid of? Agents sound off

From market movements to marketing strategies, everyone’s scared of something. Check out our list of what real estate agents around the country are afraid of this spooky season, and hop in the comments to tell us what strategies you’ve found to counter… Continue reading

Pulse: How do you overcome ‘I have a friend in the business’?

Real estate agents handle countless objections from clients and prospects in their daily course of business. We want to hear yours. Take this one-question survey to share your top objection handler for a familiar agent. Continue reading