The shifting market is an opportunity. Here’s how to seize it.

Committed, full-time agents should not feel threatened by a slowdown. It’s an incredible opportunity to gain market share — so long as you take steps to prepare. Continue reading

3 steps to recession-proof your real estate business

It’s possible to emerge from a down market stronger than you went in — but only if you’ve taken the time to plan accordingly. Here are three steps you need to take now so that you can approach the shifting market from a position of strength. Continue reading

3 simple ways to upgrade your lead generation

In a session at a recent Side conference, some of the best agents in the country shared how they have tweaked their go-to lead gen tactics to draw in more — and better — prospects. Continue reading

3 things agents need from technology (that traditional brokerages don’t offer)

Many traditional brokerages tout long lists of tech offerings that, at the end of the day, generate far more revenue for the brokerage than they do value for the agent. Continue reading

This leader shares his roadmap to a $1 billion real estate business

November 2021, just five years after setting his goal, Brett crossed the $1 billion threshold. We caught up with Brett to talk about how he made it happen. Continue reading