Why You Might Consider Joining the Alcohol-Free Movement

Headlines touting the health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption are everywhere these days. Whether it’s the cardio-protective effect of any alcoholic beverage or the specific antioxidant powers of red wine, the media keeps delivering the good new… Continue reading

Next Avenue Editors’ Picks of 2018

We published hundreds and hundreds of stories this year in the areas of health, money, work and purpose, living, caregiving and technology — all with the mission of serving older adults through the power of public media. Among our four editors, they ch… Continue reading

Hello Acid Reflux, Bye Bye Coffee and Wine

I go through five stages of grief when my doctor tells me I have to cut out coffee and wine due to acid refux: Denial: No, I’m not addicted to caffeine, I insist, while Google-mapping the closest Starbucks on my way out. Anger: Why me? And whose idea w… Continue reading