Glennda Baker: Think you have a drinking problem? You probably do

Armed with the latest research, Rachael Hite talks with Glennda Baker about choosing sobriety in an industry that is always ready to party and why drinking is so harmful for women. Continue reading

Dementia + Addiction Complicates Diagnosis and Treatment

Substance use disorders are a growing problem among the older population. Add a diagnosis of dementia and the situation can become nearly impossible to manage without professional intervention. Experts say as boomers age, this scenario will only become… Continue reading

Why Older Adults With Addictions Fare Better in Age-Tailored Rehab

The numbers are, pardon the expression, staggering: The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence reports that 2.5 million older adults have an alcohol or drug problem. The journal Psych Central ups the ante, reporting that around 3 million pe… Continue reading

Why You Might Consider Joining the Alcohol-Free Movement

Headlines touting the health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption are everywhere these days. Whether it’s the cardio-protective effect of any alcoholic beverage or the specific antioxidant powers of red wine, the media keeps delivering the good new… Continue reading

Why I Stayed: a Widow of an Alcoholic Reflects

If there’s a universal symbol for loved ones of alcoholics, I’m not aware of it. But I offer the perfect image: clasped hands tied at the wrists. My husband was a “high-functioning alcoholic,” a misnomer evoking a sense of accomplishment; a more accura… Continue reading