Woman claims free speech violated following mobile home crackdown

Chasidy Decker was forced out of her Meridian, Idaho, mobile home because it was parked in a residential neighborhood, which violated city codes. Now she’s suing the city because its action left her unhoused. Continue reading

Homelessness is an epidemic. But there’s a solution: Bring them home

Homelessness is not just a housing problem — it’s a lack of compassion, Inman founder Brad Inman writes. But a blueprint exists thanks to successful animal rescue efforts: Bring the homeless into our homes. Continue reading

How to deal with unlawful occupants in listings

Rising levels of homelessness have increased the incidents of unlawful access to homes on the market. Here are a few key steps to respond to unauthorized entry and preventative measures to ensure it does not happen in the first place. Continue reading

Trump Administration cites housing regulations as major source of homelessness crisis

A new White House report on homelessness says that overregulation and other factors have led to hundreds of thousands of people living on the street. Continue reading

Why everyone deserves a home that isn’t made of cloth

Real estate trends, combined with out-of-date zoning laws and employment patterns are driving people out of their homes. If our economy is doing so well, then why are so many people living on the streets? Is there something wrong with them, or is it ou… Continue reading

Trump creates affordable housing council, taps Ben Carson as chair

In an executive order Tuesday, Trump said the role of the council would be to increase the supply of homes in the U.S. in an effort to meet demand. Continue reading

Court declares anti-homeless ordinances ‘cruel and unusual’

The ruling could impact cities across the western U.S. at a time when homes are becoming increasingly unaffordable and more and more people end up homeless. Continue reading