New single-family housing starts ramp up 6% in June: Census Bureau

The increase in housing starts is a welcome gift, but experts say builders aren’t yet betting recent improvements in materials costs are here to stay for the long term. Continue reading

Lumber prices finally drop and the stockpilers prepare to sell

After soaring lumber prices fueled conspiracy theories this spring, and challenged homebuilders faced with an inventory shortage, prices are starting to come down. Continue reading

SoftBank-backed construction startup shutters US operations

Following a final $200 million investment from SoftBank, Katerra is closing after years of financial mismanagement and rising construction costs. Continue reading

Rising construction costs curbed homebuilders’ pace in April

The rising cost of lumber and appliances slowed the momentum of single-family building permits, starts and completions in April. Continue reading

‘Lumber truthers’ question veracity of shortage through social media

Despite lumber shortage data that’s been released for consecutive months by industry associations, including the National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Home Builders, lumber-shortage truthers have taken to social media to disp… Continue reading

Bubble Trouble: The impending burst is mythical at best

For those who believe an impending doom is on the horizon, here is some bad news: It’s not going to happen. In this second of two opposing opinion pieces on the housing crash, Matthew Gardner shares why we won’t see any mythical bubble bursting. Continue reading

Rising lumber costs add $36K to new home sales prices

The battle between supply and demand has hit the lumber industry hard, as mills struggle to keep up with demand and homebuilders push the costs to buyers. Continue reading