How to Be the Mother-in-Law You Always Wanted

“Someday, some little girl who’s probably not even born yet is going to steal you away from me, and I hate her already.” No, I didn’t say it and I don’t remember even thinking it when my son was born, although when I met my daughter-in law to be, somet… Continue reading

Separate Homes Help Heal Troubled Marriage

By the time my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary a couple of years ago, we were really just two people living together under the same roof. We loved each other deeply and we shared common goals and interests, but we didn’t exactly l… Continue reading

Are You Ready for Daily Life With a Newly Retired Spouse?

Four years ago, I was excited about my husband’s imminent retirement. I envisioned him cleaning the basement, repainting the house and cooking dinner while I was at work. Now he’s retired, and I realize the odds are better that the whistling forest ani… Continue reading

Diving Into the Online Dating Pool

Editor’s Note: In April, we asked Next Avenue readers to submit their questions about dating and relationships after 50. We received many thoughtful inquiries that touched on a wide range of topics. This story is another in our six-part series called “… Continue reading

Why I Stayed: a Widow of an Alcoholic Reflects

If there’s a universal symbol for loved ones of alcoholics, I’m not aware of it. But I offer the perfect image: clasped hands tied at the wrists. My husband was a “high-functioning alcoholic,” a misnomer evoking a sense of accomplishment; a more accura… Continue reading

All About Prenups for Second Marriages

When you marry in your 20s or 30s, you might not be thinking about getting a prenup since your assets aren’t large and your life is pretty simple. But if you’ll be entering a second marriage in your 50s or 60s, a prenup is something you may very well w… Continue reading

Switching Roles in Retirement

Recently, packages that I hadn’t ordered began arriving at our doorstep. A digital kitchen timer, a set of measuring spoons, a vegetable peeler. It’s true our ancient kitchen tools have seen better days, but I never thought of replacing them until my h… Continue reading

Celebrating a 25th Anniversary With Spontaneous Vows

In her new book, This Side Up: The Road to a Renovated Life, author Amy Mangan shares her experiences with job loss, financial shame, home displacement, illness and caregiving. This is an excerpt. When I got married, it was a last-minute decision after… Continue reading

The Second Year After a Loved One’s Death

For more than 25 years, I served as a psychology professor and researched grief and bereavement. I consulted and taught individuals, couples and families to meet the demands that chronic illness exacts, to build safety nets and resilience in the presen… Continue reading