14 ways to beat the stress this holiday season and through 2024

Personal and professional upheaval is taking its toll on members of the real estate industry. Trainer and author Bernice Ross shares strategies to help you get a handle on stress as you move into the new year. Continue reading

Maintaining work-life balance in the multifamily sector

Finding that sweet spot between work life and home life is a matter of discipline, timing and scheduling. It’s a matter of committing oneself as much to self-care as to the job at hand, as much to me-time as to go-time. Continue reading

Overwhelmed? Here are 5 ways to cope with coronavirus stress

High levels of stress can negatively affect your body in many different ways. However, there are ways to combat these issues, stay healthy and maintain productivity. Here’s how. Continue reading

‘Work-life balance is attainable’ And other misnomers that make life miserable

Free yourself from misery by realizing how some common work-life maxims are really just myths that we need to either ignore or redefine. Continue reading