The New Normal: What if everyone just stops paying for leads?

They used to be part of everyone’s business model but, increasingly, paid leads simply can’t compete with organic traffic and referrals. Read the latest in our New Normal series, and join us next week at Inman Connect when we take the conversation live… Continue reading

Connecting with Ryan Schneider: Flexibility is the key to success

Ahead of his session at Inman Connect, Realogy CEO Ryan Schneider shares what consumer trends will endure after the pandemic and how flexibility is key to providing excellent service during a shift. Continue reading

The New Normal: What if meetings of the future actually saved time?

Pandemic-driven technology not only facilitated a work-from-home lifestyle, but it also made some aspects of real estate more efficient. Here’s what realistic post-COVID real estate meetings could look like. Dive into this New Normal bonus content. Continue reading

The New Normal: What if agent pay was more than just commissions?

Commissions are still king, but more and more agents are looking for alternative revenue streams in the form of stocks and profit sharing. Dive into Part 3 of Inman’s New Normal series. Continue reading

The New Normal: What if real estate agents never go back to the office?

Industry professionals say the office is here to stay, but what its primary role will be and what it looks like are a matter of experimentation as everyone adapts to the new normal. Continue reading

The New Normal: What if the brokerage of the future isn’t a brokerage at all?

How are brokerages evolving given that teams are less constrained by geography thanks to powerful new upstart companies, even as control of real estate technology becomes more centralized? Dive into Part 1 of Inman’s New Normal series. Continue reading