earns top 100 finish on global SEO ranking list

German search engine optimization (SEO) platform SISTRIX ranked portal No. 43 on a list of fastest-growing domains in the U.S. The company has been ranking domains for 15 years. Continue reading CEO ‘loves’ heated competition with CEO Damian Eales addressed the traffic rivalry with and why competition is good for agents and consumers. Continue reading

Traffic data is the weapon of choice as portal wars heat up ahead of Q3

Ahead of Q3 earnings, Inman took a dive into the top five real estate portals’ traffic data. Zillow still leads the pack, but stiff competition has emerged from old — and new — industry entrants. Continue reading

Boost your traffic: 3 Google Analytics stats you need to track

A lot of real estate professionals have heard of Google Analytics — but few really use this powerful tool to grow their audiences. If you find it (understandably) hard to navigate, here are the top stats you need to focus on. Continue reading