The work-life conundrum

A new survey from Inman showed that agents are relatively content with their work, though they are also putting in very long hours and devote their weekends to their jobs. Continue reading

‘Work-life balance is attainable’ And other misnomers that make life miserable

Free yourself from misery by realizing how some common work-life maxims are really just myths that we need to either ignore or redefine. Continue reading

8 Ways to Balance Home and Office Life Under the Same Roof

The advantages of working from home include the lack of a commute and the absence of a mandatory 9-to-5 schedule. Yet at some point, those same advantages of having a home office can hinder your ability to create a clear distinction between your worksp… Continue reading

Guilt-free parenting? 3 moms share how they found balance

Can women with young children really have it all — a successful real estate career, kids and a great marriage? Even if the answer is “yes,” at what cost? I spoke to three thriving real estate moms for the inside scoop on finding balance. Continue reading

Guilt-free parenting? 3 moms share how they found balance

Can women with young children really have it all — a successful real estate career, kids and a great marriage? Even if the answer is “yes,” at what cost? I spoke to three thriving real estate moms for the inside scoop on finding balance. Continue reading

A 10-step plan for having a life outside real estate

If you’re spending too much time working on your business, rather than creating memories with those you care about, try this 10-step process. It makes no difference which step you take first. The point is to begin the process and build from there.  Continue reading

Want to take back your personal life? Start with these 3 tips

To achieve optimal work-life balance, you must learn to manage time. Here are a few things you can start doing today to immediately improve your time-management skills. Continue reading

Everybody’s working for the weekend: 4 tips for work-life balance

With great schedule flexibility comes great responsibility. Sure, you set up your own schedule and don’t have a boss looking over your shoulder, micromanaging your every move. But you probably work more weekends than the average person. Here are a few … Continue reading

How Family Caregivers Make Career and Elder Care Work

With the number of working Americans caring for an aging parent growing, you might expect that companies would be increasing benefits to help the family caregivers manage these duties. But according to the 2018 Employee Benefits Survey from the Society… Continue reading

For Scientists About to Rock (We Salute You)

Science and music are closely connected. Says Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH): “Whether you’re working with another person or a whole team of people who have different skills, different dreams and different aspi… Continue reading