The California agent navigating the new normal as the realities of the coronavirus pandemic kick in

Drew Nelson of The Nelson Brothers Team in San Diego navigates the new normal in the days leading up to March 19, when California issued a statewide order to stay at home. Continue reading

Miss being where everyone knows your name? Take this ‘Cheers’ quiz

Coronavirus is isolating us all, but once upon a time there was a magical place called Cheers. Take this quiz to see how well you remember Sam and Diane. Continue reading

All Inman content related to running your business in this unprecedented time

As coronavirus rapidly changes — and impacts real estate across the nation — our aim is to keep you equipped with the tools and strategies you’ll need to move forward. Continue reading

Inman News quiz, March 13: Think you’re on top of the week’s stories?

The real estate industry threw some curveballs. Take Inman’s real estate news quiz to demonstrate how strong your talking points and cocktail banter are this week.
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The vice chairwoman who starts the day by throwing hay to the horses

Ruth Kennedy Sudduth of Landvest Boston rises early on the farm and convenes alumni meetings at Harvard Business School. Continue reading

Pulse: Tell us about a time when you’ve led through uncertainty

In this week’s Pulse, we’d like to hear about a time you’ve been a leader, whether it was a brief shining example that helped one agent or a time where you helped navigate through something major.  Continue reading

Pulse: Tell us about a time when you’ve led through uncertainty

In this week’s Pulse, we’d like to hear about a time you’ve been a leader, whether it was a brief shining example that helped one agent or a time where you helped navigate through something major.  Continue reading