Why agents need to pay it forward

Although networking and relationship-building are big parts of the real estate industry, it is important to remember this concept should be done with a selfless spirit. Help someone without expecting anything in return. The goal with paying it forward … Continue reading

Grow or die! 3 tips for moving your business forward

You have to choose to focus, you have to choose to take action, you have to choose to grow, or you will die. Whatever you want in life is achievable. Here are three ways you can decide to grow. Continue reading

Why focus is crucial to getting things done

We often hear agents brag about how busy they are and how multitasking is second nature. In my experience, multitasking isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Here are five ways focusing will make you a better agent. Continue reading

4 tips for finding the right real estate coach for you

You can’t reach the top without others to push and encourage you to live your best life. If you’re thinking about getting a coach, here’s what you should look for. Continue reading