The job description of a loan officer has changed

According to mortgage industry expert Matt Muscat, changes in the mortgage industry and in the financial landscape have made the job of loan officer more important and challenging than ever. Continue reading

What coronavirus can teach agents about leadership

An agent’s role extends well beyond a traditional job description today. Now, agents need to show leadership at home and work while contributing to the common good. Continue reading

How to use job titles to prospect and make connections

Almost every person in the world could be a referral source, if you think creatively. Here’s what to look for and what to think about when you’re looking for referrals from people in different industries. Continue reading

Take stock before you knock: 4 tips for solid prospecting

It can be daunting to step up to a stranger’s door and start a (sometimes unwelcome) conversation. However, armed with the right tools and strategies, you’ll make the most of your jaunt around the neighborhood.  Continue reading