7 Simple Principles to Invest Your Money Wisely No Matter Your Age
You can achieve your financial goals by using simple, but tried and true, investing principles. Continue reading
You can achieve your financial goals by using simple, but tried and true, investing principles. Continue reading
A majority of millennials rely on “influencers” to make purchasing decisions — and 80 percent said they would consider hiring one as a real estate agent. Continue reading
(Editor’s note: This article is part of an editorial partnership between Next Avenue and the American Federation for Aging Research, a national nonprofit organization with a mission to support and advance healthy aging through biomedical research.) Oct… Continue reading
Mom’s terminal cancer diagnosis took her by surprise. “I always thought I would just fall over dead while I was walking across the backyard,” she told me. “Not me,” I responded. “I’m planning to go out like Uncle Ernest: Go to bed healthy and wake up d… Continue reading
For all the talk about Americans not saving enough for retirement, it turns out that when people are asked how they perceive life after careers, they’re remarkably upbeat, according to a recent MIT AgeLab survey. And that, actually, could be a problem…. Continue reading
It’s a fact: the American workforce is getting older. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employees age 55 and older are one of the fastest growing populations there. And one in four professionals will exceed the traditional age of retirement by… Continue reading
W&R Studios now seeks to patent iBuyer Connect and make it available to Cloud CMA users across the country, potentially helping further integrate real estate agents into the growing iBuyer ecosystem. Continue reading
A funky email address like NoTanLines@swimnaked.com might be OK for personal use, but do you really want customers to see that? Probably not, but many real estate agents use their personal email addresses when communicating with consumers, and it’s lik… Continue reading
Charles Hardy, an experienced, passionate dog-lover and founder of a website that helps dog-lovers care for their companions — shares his expertise on understanding the needs of pet owners as well as useful tips for getting ahead of this under-tapped m… Continue reading
Here are five ways to sell your listing quicker by maximizing the best aspects of the season in your real estate staging and listing photos. Continue reading